Monday 21 April 2014



A Research Paper Presented to
The Faculty of the English Resource Center Department
School of Multimedia Arts
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
ERESWRITE – Research Writing

Alchester M. Dulce
APRIL 2014


A. Background of Study

Twins have different personality. The separation of the two individuals who have this kind of relationship may have a different type of mood or personality by means of their environment, people that associates every day, and for the one’s own cause. As they grow the adaption of the things that surround him/her have a huge chance that he/she can be like it. May one of the reason again is also of how they treated in their childhood day. Or for any instances they will grow up and have a successful which undergo to independent to him or her self.

According to John Hamilton in the article entitled "How Can identical Twins Turns out so Different". He states that twins at the beginning have the same attitude because they are always together but after sometime they drift away from each other. The attitude of a twin can be determined on the persons, friends, social life and their experiences. The twin who hangs out and have many experience will be the more extroverted one and then when he/she meets people who is more extroverted them he/she become a little more extroverted this things give feedback to the brain and changes the personality of the person and sometime create a new brain cell and explains why twins comes out with different attitude.

He mentioned that "A series of small events can reinforce one another and lead to lasting changes in the brain"

Twins have the same physical appearance. We all have known that twins have the amazing appearance in this world. We are amazed when we see them especially when they are together like walking on the streets was so adorable. There are same in things like shirts, pants, and even in hairstyles.
According to Nathan Vanderklippe in the article entitled “Why Identical Twins can look different” In this article he discuss in this case that not all twins have a one physical appearance, but even they not get that characteristic of a twin. They have the same personalities that they get together from their parents or from their family.

He mentioned that “In some ways, that makes their differences even more interesting. From the same genetic building blocks, they are each assembling something unique. If nothing else, it's an intriguing in sight into the propensity life for diversity. No matter the genetic ties, the natural order favours a kind of irrepressible individuality"

Some twins have different DNA. We all known that twins has the perfect mutation of one’s siblings have. Like the genes are perfectly mold in to the stomach of the mother when the two fetus are in there.

According to Tia Ghose in the article entitled “Identical Twins Are Genetically Different, Research Suggests” She explain the study of mutation of the past and to these new era. That the twins are not so perfect mold as that. That there are some more genes that cannot be copied to the other twin.

She mentioned that” One limitation of the study is that they could only estimate the mutation rate based on blood cells, but some cells in the body divide much more mutations. Other cells, but some cells in the body divide much more frequently and so may rack up many more mutation. Other cells, like brain cells, don’t regenerate much and would probably remain stable" 

Twins have the same instincts. Each one of us has an instinct but most of the twins can read their twins mind even if in just a single wink of an eye he/she know what is the meaning of that. And it is cool to have like that kind of personality.

According to the author of Twin Registry in the article entitled "Can twins read each others minds?" One of the researcher discuss in the article the things that twins proving that they can read or feel the mind of the other twin.

One of the researcher says that"Twins share a special connection beyond that of ordinary siblings"

In this case, We known the different thing about Twin on how they live in this world by means of different kinds of personality, having the same appearance, and even they are the same their genes are not like that. The explanation of having the same appearance as a twin explain to us that even the two people have the same face their body as not like that too. The explanation of having different kind of personality explain how a twin live in this world. Having different DNA even you’re a twin explain to us that it is not equal as we all known.

The purpose of this paper is for us to know how twins act on this world and How for us to socialized them.

B. Statement of the problem

This aims to answer this question:

1.How does a twin can affect a persons psychology?

C. Significance of Study

 Twins-It will help and explain especially who have siblings like a twin. What are their characteristic as a human being.

Parents-This research paper can help the parents especially who have their twins for the first time it explain to them the ones personality of their children as they grow.
Future researchers- This kind of study can help for those who like especially the world of medicine for them to know the basic things that one's personality of a twin has.

 D. Scope and limitation

                  This kind of study giving us a trivia on how one’s individual like Twin lived on this world and also teaches us the things about the simpe things on how we can interact or socialized with them.

This is not the broad study of a twin. It just a psychological thing that we can learn.

E. Materials and Method
              This research use an online article since the researchers will discuss about the appearance and the characteristic of a twin. These blog explain the scientific study of twins to give information about the study of twins.


1.How having a twin can affect a person's psychology

I. Definition of Twins

Twins are the most wonderful thing in this world. To explain directly, twins is just a sibling and everybody knows that. We are so amazed when we see like two people having the same things: bags, clothes, shoes, accessories.

As Mr. Wikipedia said Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Twins can either be mono-zygotic(identical) meaning that they develop from one zygote that splits and forms two embryos, or dizygotic(fraternal), meaning that they can develop from two eggs, each fertilized by separate sperm cells. It simply explain to us what are the formation of the egg cell and sperm cells formed in the womb of the mother.

Defining a word Twins is a broad one. I researched that some of the cultures have their own definition. Like what I found. I found an article entitled "Twins in West African Culture" by Saran Kaba. It says that twins can be viewed as both blessing of a curse depending on the culture, Some say twins have divine powers. In some parts of Nigeria, when a twin passes away, they are buried like kings seated on a throne. Another way is parent will put two bells on the twins room so that if someone walks in the bells will ring and announce that the twin may cause charm or curse. And in some parts of the Ivory coast twins are also said to be able to stop the rain and are often called upon when there are manifestations or events and the weather turns endearment. In Guinea where are twin is getting married the other also treated as a bride

According to Saran"There is definitely a strong bond between twins"

What want the authors try to understand us that twins are really similar in terms on their style, fashion and likes. But others are also different, but when we can't deny that even though they are different they have the same feelings and their concern to each other is really strong to brake.

II. Kinds of Twin

Twins were considered as half of our lives, for those who have twins you are thankful to have a person at your side that you can rely on anytime. A sister/brother, a friend, or even an enemies. But they also believe that twins restored happiness, health and property. However they can also bring us disaster, disease, and death. They are still need to be treated with respect. We all known that there are actually kinds of twins but here are some things that we don't know about them and what is the right term to call them as a twin. There are some article to explain the things like this.

A. Identical Twin
As two children are born to the same mother they are know as Twins. They have unique sense of identity. Identical twins are formed when a single fertilized egg splits into two separate embryos they share a single placenta and have the same DNA and blood type. Identical twins are siblings with the same facial characteristics and mostly the same gender. This twins are mostly seen having the same identical hair clip, clothes and hairstyles. Sometimes they have common attitudes, but others they are definitely different. Having a best buddy like twins was so great because it not just you have a brother or a sister the amazing part is your buddy exactly the same face like what you have. This twins are mostly mistaken of the people who sees them, like when the person is actually this person but was mistakenly identified as the other because they really actually look very a like.

David Manly wrote an article entitled "Mirror Images: Twins and Identity". In this article it states that the twins are eager to know who is the older. To know who is the older one to show superiority over the other. Twins are siblings who have very strong bonds with them bond but its their love for each other and being born together. They are mostly seen having different outfits and hairstyles because twins also want to be identified differently and they don't want to be known because they are twins but they wanna be known as themselves.

David says that "Everyone is individual even a twin"

B. Fraternal Twins
This kind of twins are created when a female double ovulates and different sperm each egg, they can be the same sex or different. Fraternal twins are twins that have no more in common than being born on different times. Fraternal twins are twins that have different eggs and are also called dizygotic twins they can look a like or can be very different.

Jo Adamson wrote an article entitled "What's It's Really like being a Fraternal Twin" It says that when we hear fraternal twins we think that they can live separate lives and doesn’t feel the crisis that the identical twins feel but actually even fraternal twins can also have the same crisis for example the identity crisis they also feel this because when the people hear twins they already put in mind that they look a like even if they are really not. They are also times when fraternal twins compared by people surrounding them which can depress and excel each other. People tends to make twins share events and stuff like birthdays, clothes and many more which can cause anger and irritation to its siblings.

According to Jo "Fraternal twins are born and reared in the same family environment, but the advantage of experiencing the family in a different way"

III. Relationship between twins

Having a brother or a sister is the greatest gift for you as a person. Imagine a child without a siblings, What can be the possible characteristic. It can be a bad kid or just a loner. So be thankful if you have a sibling, a Twin brother or sister it just amazing that you have kind of that thing. Imagine when you look at his/her face it is just like you're looking at the mirror because you have the things that he/she have too. And it also amazing because what he/she have you have it too like same shoes, bags,clothes or even hairstyles.

Being a twin is like your best friends. You share your thoughts and things to each other, but like in twin, your best friend don't have the same as yours. In twins, even they have the same face or looks they have an individual characteristic. Some twin, have hard life being with their twin sibling simply because they have competitors in their live. Sometimes they have the obligation to care each other. Some people judge twin because they think they have same interest and some characteristic.

A. Strong Relationship

Strong relationship is one of the best relationships that everybody wants. Family, Friends, Classmates must have a strong relationship to have a good relation to each other. Most of the twins have their strong relationship because they are always together. They always share thoughts and things and that's a good example of relationship.

Psychology Today staff wrote an article entitled "Twin speak". In this article, they interviewed five twins with their stories of being a twin. To summarize all they said, it just about that twin is have an individual identity. Its hard for a twin to separate for their twin sibling because they have closeness in their relationship. They stated also their problem and how their relationship make stronger with their problem. That no matter or what a big trouble they have in their life, twin face it with holding hand to exceed those problems. Also there is one stories that the twin is duper close when they are little to teen they'd separated because one is marries already. It's hard but you need to face that all twin is not always will leave together.

According to the author of the article"In spite of having the same set of genes these identical twins couldn’t be more different personality-wise"

B. Individual Relationship

Individual relationship is one of the hardest thing that two people must accept. This kind of relationship is essentially just meet up when it's convenient for both of you. But love is not priority. And two people who do not know how or are not willing to comprise and sacrifice for the relationship.

Linda Marks wrote an article "Partners for life: The Experience of being twin". In this article Linda interview the identical twins, Derek and Geoffy. They stated the love of being their brother and most intimate relationship in their lives. being in twin, they gave each other comfort, love, care and intellectual stimulation. They make a powerful presence and happiness in their family. When they grow up, they will separate not like when they are little boy they are so close like no one can separate them. They had fear of it that they will separate, some people don't understand that but with a twin it's different.

According to Linda"The level of intimacy and connection commonly experienced between twin is a foundation on which to build other relationship"


As two children are born to the same mother they are known as Twins. They have the unique sense of identity which many people are amazed. Having a best buddy is the greatest gift of all that you can lean on their shoulders in every single time you need them.

Even if twins have the same appearance they are not the same in attitudes. The explanation on how the two person having an individual lifestyle even though they are twins. This kind of conclusion shows to us that you only live one by yours but you cannot survive without the help them by means different kind of challenge that you may be faced.

Being a twin is like your best friends, you share everything. But like in twin, your best friend don't have the same face with yours. In twins, even they have the same face or looks they have an individual attitudes or personalities. Some twin have have hard life being with their twin sibling because they have competitors in their lives. Sometimes they have obligation to take care each other. Some people judge twin because they think they have same interest and some characteristic. Twin is not a sin, just live our life right and never underestimate people around of us.


This paper explain to us the different psychological explanations that twin can have.The researchers findings are the following:
1. Twins have types and characteristics
2. Twins have the same physical appearance.
3. Twins have different personality.
4. Twins is simply different for us there are some terminologies that they can only be understand twin to twin.


This paper content the different kinds of study about twins, the following conclusions are drawn:

1.Even they are twins that have the same things in life they are act as an individual on this earth.
2.Twins have strong bonds that can be felt even if they are far away because they are together in life and they shared one placenta in their mother's stomach. There are good relationship rather than bad between the relationship of the twins
3. Kinds of twins have their different scientific explanations on how the characteristic and personality may be develop.
4.Twins can read or feel what are the possible things might be done to their twin.


After drawing the conclusion of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestion or recommendation

1.     Twins should accept what they’re, to have a good relationship with each other.
2.     Parent of a twin should give love equally to their children.
     3.  Future researchers must have a broad knowledge of this kind of study.

Hamilton, John (May 09, 2013).How Can Identical Twins Turn Out So Different. Retrieved from April 19, 2014 from

Kenderklippe, Nathan (May 20,2012). Why Identical Twins can look different. Retrieved form April 20,2014 from

Ghose, Tia (November 09, 2012). Identical Twins Are Genetically Different, Research Suggest. Retrieved from April 19,2014 from

University of Washington Twin Registry (April 30,2013). Can twins read each others mind?. Retrieved from April 19,2014 from

Kaba, Saran (October 28, 2010). Twins in West African Culture. Retrieved from April 20,2014 from

Linda, Marks. Partners for life: The Experience of Being a Twin. Retrieved form April 20,2014 from

Manly,David. Mirror Images: Twins Identity (March 15,2011). Retrieved from April 21,2014 from

Adamson, Jo. What’s It’s Really like Being A Fraternal Twin. (October 3, 2010). Retrived from April 20,2014

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