Tuesday 25 February 2014

Blogger 8: Twin Telephathy

We mostly hear people saying that twins has powers because they can read each others minds and opinion, they tend to almost do the same thing, and knows what the other thinks about and can sometimes predict the future. In my experience I was known a twin, they do think alike and mostly know what the other thinks about but i never thought about it as a power because for me normal siblings can also do that and because me and my sister usually have the same idea also, and sometimes we tend to sing the same song at the same time even though we did not discuss about it, but I still believe that twins can have psychic power, and also other people.

According to

Blogspot 7:Fraternal Twins

Fraternal Twins are twins that have no more in common than being born on different times. This kind of twins are created when a female double ovulates and different sperm fertilize each egg, they can be the same sex or different. I have encountered siblings who are fraternal twins, they are close to each other and unlike identical twins they don't find ways to be different because they are already are not alike . The fraternal twins that i know go to the same school and they get along together, and I am certain that the other one is prettier than the other and much more popular too, because their faces,attitude,and charisma are not alike.
Fraternal twins are twins that have different eggs and are also called dizygotic twins, they can look alike or can be very different. Fraternal twins can be very different with height and characteristic, but do they still have to share like identical twins?

I found an article entitled "What's It's Really like Being a Fraternal Twin" by Jo Adamson. It states that when we hear fraternal twins we think than they live separate lives and doesn't feel the crisis  that identical twins feels but actually even fraternal twins can also have the same crisis for example identity crisis they also feel this  because when people hear twins they already put in mind that they look alike even if they really are not. They are also times when fraternal twins are compared by people surrounding them, which can depress and excel the other. People tends to make twins share events and stuff like birthdays, clothes and many more which can cause anger and irritation to its siblings.

According to Jo Adamson, "fraternals are born and reared in the same family environment, but have the advantage of experiencing the family in a different way" I think it is true because fraternal twins can easily be identified by their family because they have different facial appearance and can be treated differently because they can tell the difference of the two. Many people wonders why fraternal twins have very different face,skin color, and hair, and thinks that the mother is unfaithful but why to they think this way?

I found an article entitled "Bi-Paternal Twins: Fraternal with Different Fathers" by Christine Daniel. It states that animals are not the only being that are capable having a fraternal twins with different fathers, it can also be done by humans and this is called Bi-Paternal twins or in scientific term it called Heteropaternal superfucandation, this kind of fraternal twins are made when the mother has one or more egg available and when she has more than one partner, this kind of twins are very rare because fraternal twins only make 2% of the population, so this makes Bi-Paternal twins would be like finding a rare gem.

According to Christine Daniel, "Bi-Paternal opens a whole set of problems for couples who have made vows of monogamy and faithfulness" this statement is actually a fact because this kind of twins mean that the women is unfaithful to his partner and she slept with other guys.

Fraternal twins is like any other siblings and should be respected too and not to be compared with because every person does not want to be compared and to be disrespected because they have feelings,dignity and pride for themselves and this is applied even to twins because they are also normal people like. Fraternal twins also doesn't mean that they are different to each other and does not have a bond because they are once was together in their mother stomach and that is the bond that will never be erased from each of them.

Blogspot 6:Identical Twins

Identical twins are formed when a single fertilized egg splits into two separate embryos, they share a single placenta and have the same DNA and blood type.Identical twins are siblings with the same facial characteristics  and mostly the same gender. This twins are mostly seen having the same identical hair clip, clothes,hairstyles, and shoes,and the only difference is the color of the item but twins have different attitude, brain capability, heights, and sometimes different skin color. This twins are mostly mistaken of the people who sees them, like when the person is actually this person but was mistakenly identified as the other because they really actually look very a like.

I found an article entitled "How Can Identical Twins Turns Out so Different?" by John Hamilton. It states that twins at the beginning have the same attitude because they are always together but after sometime they drift away from each other. The attitude of a twin can be determined on the persons friends, social life and their experiences. The twin who hangs out and have many experience will be the more extroverted one and then when he/she meets people who is more extroverted then he/she becomes a little more extroverted, this things give feedback to the brain and changes the personality of the person and sometimes create a new brain cell and that explains why twins comes out with different attitude.

According to John Hamilton,"A series of small events can reinforce one another and lead to lasting changes in the brain". I agree because in my own experience having a sibling even though were not twins, we used to have the same attitude and personality but when we entered different school and had different friends, our attitude changed, and we became much different from each other. Different ways of living changes the person because it affects their attitude, perception of life,and personality.

I found an article entitled "Mirror Images:Twins and Identity" by David Manly, it states that twins are eager to know who is the older one to show superiority over the other. Twins are siblings who have very strong bonds with them and its not their facial characteristic that make them bond but its their love for each other and being born together. They are mostly seen having different outfits and hairstyles because twins also want to be identified differently  and they don't want to be known because they are twins but they wanna be known as themselves.

According to David Manly, "Everyone is an individual even a twin". I agree to this statement  because everyone want to be known in their own league and work, they do not one to be very alike to someone. People do not want to share the things they love, including their  love life,occupation, and hobbies because for them this things makes them who they are.

Identical twins are people who share their appearance but they  have their own different characteristic, hobbies, smartness, beauty and strength in life, because even if they have the same faces they are individual people who has their own interest. They have strong bonds that can be felt even if they are far away because they were once together in life and they shared one placenta in their mothers stomach.

Monday 24 February 2014

blogpost 5: Twins In Our Society


Twins were considered as half of our lives, for those who have twins, you are thankful to have a person at your side that you can rely on, anytime. A sister/brother, a friend, and sometimes enemies. But they also believe that twins restored happiness, health and prosperity. However they can also bring us disaster, disease and death. They are still need to be treated with respect.

I found article an entitled “Twins in Yoruba Society” by Fernand Leroy, it states that twins were considered of prenatural origin and raised emotional reactions from fear and repugnanceto hope and joy. Yoruba Culture used to reject a sacrifice newborn twins, they are also not accept but welcomed their birth, being an occasion of great, rejoicing. The first born twin is called Taiwo, meaning ‘having the first taste of the world’, where the second is named Kahinde, meaning ‘arriving after the other’. Kahinde must be careful, more intelligent and more reflective. While Taiwo is more curious and adventurous, but also nonchalant. As the Yuroba believe that twins share the same combined souls, when a newborn twin dies, the life of the other is imperiled because the balance of his soul has become seriously disturbed and to counteract this danger a special ritual is carried out.

According to Fernand, “Superstituos and customs pertaining to twins are universal and often share converging features among cultures without any mutual geographical or temporal contact.” Sometimes our beliefs are based on our culture and tradition, it is also accepted and respected by others, we have our own beliefs and sometimes based it on our culture and apply it as part of the history.

I found an article entitled “Twin studies: What can they tell us about nature and nurture?"by Guang Go, it says that goes combine with the environment to produce complex human traits, they probably share 100% of their genes. Identical twins are monozygotic, they developed from a single sperm fertilizing a single egg, which then divides into two separate cell masses within the first two weeks of development, these are considered as clones. While Fraternal twins are dizygotic, development when two eggs are each separately fertilized by different sperm. Physical or behavior trait is often shared by identical twins than fraternal twins. From DNA-based studies, identical and fraternal twins is still extremely valuable. Researchers can use identical twins to estimate the proportion of individuals with a certain gene that expresses a certain trait. It also states that fraternal twins provide excellent data for genetic mapping studying complex human traits and behaviors are likely to continue using twin and other traditional family studies as a major methodological strategy.

According to Guang Go, “A particular environment influences the expression of a genetically influenced trait.” When a twin grows in a different environment probably they would have different attitude, but it doesn’t affect the genes. They will probably have the same hair color, eyes and age, a sign that would prove hat they are twins.


blogpost 4: Twins On Mythology

When we came up with the word Mythology, we always think that it is all about magics and curse that God and Goddesses do. It also happens that myths describes process of cosmological nativity, origination, formation and genesis. And twins have a lots of mythological studies, it often conclude that twins may be refer as curse, blessing, and monster.

I found an article entitled “The wonders of Twins: Twins in Greek Mythology” by William Viney. It states that Greek Twins are heterogeneous significance, they have different kinds of relationship with humans and non-humans, with their twin sibling, their parents and with other twin set. This includes story of Castor: A Polydeuces, where one twin gives up his immortality to be with his mortal twin brother, also the story of Zethos and Amphion; who build the wall that fortifies Thebes. And the fratricide story of Romulus and Remus, show how twinship can be associated with destructive and murderous relations. Thus the twins of Ancient Greece cannot be easily separated, because they do not find concordance with the wonder-provoking intimacies associated with cotemporary twins but because they are not easily isolated from Gods born as singletons. Among Gods, like Apollo and Artemis they have few equals and though there is a little textual evidence to support a physical likeness between them, they are equally holy. The figure of the twin, frequently of sacred birth and of sacrosanct strength, become closely allied with the magical a divine. In stories where sacred twins are born with mortals, with the divine take on human frailties and sacred siblings to accommodate one another.

According to William, “The figure of the twin, frequently of sacred birth of a sacrosanct
strength, become closely allied with the magical and divine”. Yes we all know that if Gods has a child, he/she posses with magical powers and divine strength that would surely praise and adore by the mortals.

I found an article entitled “Ancient Maya Blood Rituals and The Hero Twins Creation Myth” by Jasmyne Pendragon. It talks about the child of the Maize God. It started when one of the daughters of the underworld god walked under the tree and noticed a head hanging from it, she paused and looked at the head and it spoke to her then she raised her hand to the head, it spat on her and she became impregnant. After 6 months she was kicked because of disgrace. She was keep by the creator god grandparents were soon to be grandparents of her underworld children. She gave birth to the Hew Twins named Hunalipu and Xbalanque, they were blow gunners, hunters, ball players, and tricksters, their main function is to get rid the world of monsters and incongruities and went to destroy the monster of volcano and creator of earthquakes. By some sort of trickeny and hardness they committed suicides, by these story it provides for blood sacrifice, it also appears apparent deeds of the Hew Twins. It conclude that twins have the same thought and feelings that considered bravery and heroic deeds.

According to Jasmyne, “However, the epic creation myth does seem the most likely cause or reason.” We often say our lives on myths out in  always doesn’t mean that the myths will cause you a situation that you want.

blogpost 3: Culture talks about Twin

        As two children are born to the same mother they are know as Twins, they have unique sense of identity. Sometimes they have common in attitudes, but others they are definitely different. There are lots of Myths in terms of twins- as partners, rivals, opposites, of halves of a whole are noted on different mysteries.

          I found an article entitled “Twins in WestAfrican Culture” by Saran Kaba. It says that twins can be viewed as both blessing of a curse depending on the culture, some say twins have divine powers. In some parts of Nigeria, when a twin passes away, they are buried like kings seated on a throne. Another way is parents will put 2 bells on the twins’ room so that, if someone walks in, the bells will ring and announce that the twin may cause charm or curse. And in some parts of the Ivory coast twins are also said to be able to stop the rain and are often called upon when there are manifestations or events and the weather turns endearment. In Guinea where are twin is getting married, the other also treated as a bride.

     According to Saran, “There is definitely a strong bond between twins.” It is right. Twins are really similar in terms on their style, fashion and likes. But others are also different, but we can’t deny that even though they are different, they have the same feelings and their concern to each other is really strong to brake.

      I found an article entitled  “Twins: TwoLines, One Personality” by Lawrence Wright. It says Neubauer believed at the time that twins posed such a burden to parents and to themselves in the form of certain development hazards, it also recognized that identical twins are rare, however those who has been separated and brought up in different families are particularly unusual. And with this, when they are separated only part of their childhoods were reunited and trace them through their childhood, each stage of their development are parallel or diverging courses of their special through conversations, which turn them into freaks but which also to be fair, some believes that they are largely the same, and became different because they are imposed upon their environment, and they conclude that people differ mainly because of their genes, and find their own making, are choosing right decisions.

      According to Lawrence, “Every culture has had to confront the twin phenomenon and come to its own response”. We know that every culture has their own studies about twins, some may refer it to mystical and traditional views. But its all the same that twins have the same feelings with their heart and mind. Even though we based it on different countries and beliefs.


Blogspot2: Psychology of a Twin

In my family, I’m the eldest and I have three more little siblings. When we go to mall sometimes I see twins. At times, there are questions bothered my mind whenever I saw family with a twins children or even twins playing at the playground. Why we have a twins? How they make it or what medicine they take to have a twins? Seeing twins in mall or in streets as you walk by is so adorable. There are same in shoes, hairstyle, dresses and shirts. So, I take my research to make an extra knowledge by reading articles about twins.

I read an article entitled “ Why are Identical Twins Different?" by Pamela Fierro. Identical twins is the one who are exactly look alike. They have sometimes same clothes, shoes and many same things. But even though they are identical twins they have many individual personalities, attitudes and manners.They don't have same sports and activities. The differences of the twin increases as they spend more time apart. As soon as they grow up they will get an individual life, they'll get married and have own life. Their parents know them differently, they try to have their twin an individual interests. One likes to sing and the one is like to dance. They stated that identical twins form with the same set of genes, but in human development is not just a genetic. When they are growing up, they ate instances that they will have different appearance, personalities, and interest. Even though they are twin, they do share similarities but they also have many differences. 

 According to Pamela Fierro "they may even seek to establish dissimilar qualities in order to establish individual identites." Being in twin is not always have the same in everything. People thought always and even I do that when twin is always same. Same in clothes, in hair, in dresses, in shoes and in everything. In fact, when little twin loves to have same with their twin but when they grow older they don't want it. Why? because they want to have an individual life away from their twin. They want an individual identities so that they can live even they aren't with their twin. Every twin in this world have an individual characteristic that's why we don't judge them as they are twin. 

 I found an article entitled "Twin speak" by Psychology Today staff. In this article, they interviewed five twins with their stories of being a twin. To summarize all they said, it just about that twin is have a individual identity. It's hard for a twin to separate for their twin sibling because they have closeness in their relationship. They stated also their problem and how their relationship make stronger with their problem.That no matter what happen or what a big trouble they have in their life, twin face it with holding hand to exceed those problems. Also, there is one stories that the twin is super close when they are little to teen then they'd separated because one is married already. It's hard but you need to face that all twin is not always will leave together.

According to the author of the article "In spite of having the same set of genes, these identical twins couldn't be more different, personality-wise" Being in twin is having a same face sometimes same shirt or dresses. Some people know that twin may have different personalities. They have a different genre of movie or books, crushes, friends, mannerism and anything. God gave them same shape of face and body but they have totally different with their manner, characteristics and personalities.

While I doing this research, my mind growing up with the knowledge I learned about the articles I red.  Now, all the questions blowing in my minds when I was a little boy is now answered. So I want if I get married soon, I want a twin baby. To be cute like me and my future wife.

Blogspot1: Life of a Twin

I don’t have any sibling or friends that have a twin sibling. How they live with there twin? How they treat each other? They can insult each other face? I don’t have any idea how they can survive everyday seeing there like face. It's so amazing seeing twin in the mall or even at the park. It sounds funny so I take my mind to take this research so that I can have same schema or background knowledge with the twins in this earth.

I found an article entitled “How to live life with as atwin” by Teresa.  In this article, the writer give steps how twin live. That you must share things like clothes, shoes, food and toys. Because they are twins, they want to have what there twin have. And probably understand why they need to share their things. Life as twin have an inevitable question “Which one’s which?”  Your parents and your long time friends may recognize you quickly but other can not. Sooner, twin learn how to be independent. In fact, they will separate because when they get old they will have there own life. It must learn how to live without your partner or your best bud twin.
According toTeresa "Living with a twin can be difficult at times. Sometimes, the attention you get from others can be overwhelming, and sometimes you can even stand each  other!" I don't have any siblings or friends that have twins. When I have knowledge about twin, I realized that there life is so hard. That you must care for your twin and always share things. Sometimes, tou can be bother by the people who is around you and always ask which one's which?

I read an article entitled “Partners for life: TheExperience of being twin” by Linda Marks. In this article, Linda interview the identical twins, Derek and Geoffrey. They stated the love of being their brother  and most intimate relationship in their lives. Being in twin, they gave each other comfort, love, care and intellectual stimulation.  They make a powerful presence and happiness in their family. When they grow up, they will separate not like when they are little boy they are so close like no one can separate them. They had fear of it that they will separate, some people don't understand that but with a twin it's different. 

According to Linda "The level of intimacy and connection commonly experienced between twin is a foundation on which to build other relationships" The closeness of their relationship may create another good relationship for them for that's the reason why some of them are stick with a good relationship. Having a twin brother or sister can provide happiness in family because of their uniqueness. Because they have same face and body and they can have instincts to each other. So that they can easily how the feeling of one's another. It so cute to have a twin, you always have a partner and never be alone in your life.

Being twin is different for us. I don't know how to feel with having a twin. But in my research, I've so many things I learned while im doing this. Being twin is like your best friends, you share things and foods. But like in twin, your best friends don't have a same face with yours. In twins, even they have same face or looks they have an individual attitudes or personalities. Some twin, have a hard life being with their twin sibling because they have competitors in their lives. Sometimes they have obligation to care each other. Some people judge twin because they think they have same interest and some characteristics. So know, i feel I'm so lucky enough because I'm individual in my life. Twin is not a sin, just live your life right and never underestimate other people around you.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Blogspot #3 Gemini

Gemini is one of the twelve zodiac signs that we have. When you are born at twenty-two of May and at the twenty-one of June you are one of the Gemini's. According to mythology it symbolizes the two Pillars joined at the top and base, which is a diagrammatic representation of the twins seated side by side with embracing arms. It started of the story of Castor and Pollux whose the origin of the what we call Gemini.It is one of the people that they believe or they can praise some says that it can help them to achieve one of their daily lifestyle.

I found an article "History of Gemini Constellation" by
Francis Murphy. It show where it originated that the Gemini is one of the eighty-eight constellation defined by the Astronomical Union. The twins Castor and Pollux it shows the life of the two and on how they live. Their mother Leda and two different fathers one of them is Zeus disguise himself as a swan and the other one is King Tyndareus and they birthed at Helen of Troy.

According to Francis Murphy "The rich history of  Gemini Constellation depicts a beautiful love story betwen two twins, who end chose to be together despite death. " I agree what her said Gemini is one of the inspiring mythical creatures cause it shows the love,care and the protection on how you will fight for your love one's

I also found an article "Zodiac Sign Gemini: Sentience" It shows the characteristic of one's whose born in the Zodiac of Gemini. The main idea on these rticle is on to how becoming aware in Gemini cause according the psychological reasoning, and for the comparison of Aries or even Taurus to Gemini as it says Gemini energy brings the most basic awareness into focus for everyone.

According to him "In Gemini, we challenged to increase our awareness and connect this new potential to our immediate environment or neighborhood" We can reflect to the quoted part on which is the article is all about. It shows the one's characteristic on how they lived on this world,but for me it is just a guidelines on how they can be achieve some problems and we don't just based on the Zodiac beliefs      

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Blospot #2 Clone

Why do people invent cloning ? Dolly the sheep is the first clone material made by man. As we all known clone or cloning is the idea of copying the one man's own body,face,and it's own characteristic. And for all the details that the person to be copied is on the clone made. There are so many definitions of cloning by means of different categories, In biology, cloning is the process of producing similar populations genetically individuals that occurs in nature when organism such as bacteria,insects or plants reproduce asexually. The term clone is derived from ancient Greek word kl-on or twig referring to the process whereby a new plant can be created from a twig.    

I found an article "The Arrival of Human Cloning"  by "Wesley J. Smith" It shows the first people,animal or even a plant first cloned. Dolly the sheep is the first animal cloned, the processing on how the mammary gland cell of the said target is completely accomplished. Not only the sheep can be cloned scientist has routinely cloned like mice,pigs,and cattle have a successful of cloning practice but there's a one animal they are really hard to cloned,The monkey I think it is because of its conflict kind of cell so the scientist are hard to find what is the right or the exact cell or number of cell they can get. The successful human cloning they said that cloning a human is easily to do, but the hard thing of this is when the law are join. The legal status of human cloning and the Public funding it says that until now the cloning process is under the congress they study it very well the cases and the problem on when the cloning thing is legalized.

According to Wesley J. Smith "Human cloning has been even more technically challenging" In this part the cloning of the animals,people or ever it was, it is difficult on how the cloning can be legalized cause the law about cloning even now is just a bill. The senators even the President is auguring about the said topic.

I found an article "Human Cloning and the Myth of Disenchantment" by "Staicu Laurentiu"  The article is all about the study of twofold objective. It says that the study of the cloning has a something related to the past. The law on how to legalized the cloning, may arguments in the past has done but in this new era our community did not accept on how it work in our community. The contrary and the debates of many people.

According to "Staicu Laurentiu" The agreement and the disagreement of the different philosophy on how the cloning idea can be finalized as a ordinary thing to us it also about the debate of the religious and the philosophical aspects of the two.

In conclusion there's a good thing and a bad thing about cloning the good thing about this is for our growing challenging daily lifestyle and for our grow scientific economy the bad about this is our growing population even they are clones they are counted as a copy person so where they be placed ? Clones are like people,animals or even a plant but their is one that they cannot be copied a personality or the attitudes of the person being copied.

Monday 10 February 2014

Blogspot#1: Twins

What come up to your mind when you heard about "Twins" ? As Mr. Wiki said it is one of two children or animals born at the same birth or something containing or consisting of two matching or
corresponding parts, in particular. Well for me twins are the most beautiful thing what God create because for ever where you are theres a reflection of you even if you dont have any mirror or any glass.

I found an article "Identical Twins ' Genes are not Identical" by "Anne Casselman" it shows that for every fertilized egg which contain a two fetus is not exactly as a identical twins. And the people who have their own opinions on how they relay about the said topic. Their are also many questions that this particular article has. The discovery of the genetic variation, For the example a criminal who has a Identical twin you cannot said that the other one or the one has done a criminal if one is innocent and the other one is the real suspect of the said case.

According to Anne Casselman "We should call them one egg twins" The thought what she said is all about the wrong call of having two babies at the same time or what we called, According to her it is the wrong interpretation of saying it as this is one of our old-fashioned grammar she want to have a something new to heared.

It is not about the terms what we used to call it. We have a different choice to call them as "One egg twins" or "Twins" the important is we loved them and happy to share different thinf with them like what the qoute says "The more the merrier"

I also found an article "Similar but not identical: Study reveals more about twins than about education" by "Steve Connor" it says that the genes has a bigger role to our community it shows the different kind of twins which is the identical twins,share identical twins, and the non-identical twins they study it by different kinds and ways.It also discussed abou the Monozygotic and the Dizygotic that refers to on how the egg cell and the sperm cells forming.The chances of having a identical twins it is on the said article when the woman has carrying a baby after a war the explanation on how many chances that the mother has a possible to have a twins.

According to Steve Connor "Genes play bigger role in educational achievement than teachers,schools or home environment,and the reason we know this-apparently-is because we can compare the performance of thousands of pairs of twins" Steve Connor try to say is Genes has a bigger role to our lives and especially the role of twins which cannot bet by one self cause they are combine together or may be stick together as everybody says "Two is better than one".

Different beliefs of where it came from,different opinions,different arguments,different people with different answers. The study of twins is difficult many studies to solve.