Tuesday 25 February 2014

Blogspot 6:Identical Twins

Identical twins are formed when a single fertilized egg splits into two separate embryos, they share a single placenta and have the same DNA and blood type.Identical twins are siblings with the same facial characteristics  and mostly the same gender. This twins are mostly seen having the same identical hair clip, clothes,hairstyles, and shoes,and the only difference is the color of the item but twins have different attitude, brain capability, heights, and sometimes different skin color. This twins are mostly mistaken of the people who sees them, like when the person is actually this person but was mistakenly identified as the other because they really actually look very a like.

I found an article entitled "How Can Identical Twins Turns Out so Different?" by John Hamilton. It states that twins at the beginning have the same attitude because they are always together but after sometime they drift away from each other. The attitude of a twin can be determined on the persons friends, social life and their experiences. The twin who hangs out and have many experience will be the more extroverted one and then when he/she meets people who is more extroverted then he/she becomes a little more extroverted, this things give feedback to the brain and changes the personality of the person and sometimes create a new brain cell and that explains why twins comes out with different attitude.

According to John Hamilton,"A series of small events can reinforce one another and lead to lasting changes in the brain". I agree because in my own experience having a sibling even though were not twins, we used to have the same attitude and personality but when we entered different school and had different friends, our attitude changed, and we became much different from each other. Different ways of living changes the person because it affects their attitude, perception of life,and personality.

I found an article entitled "Mirror Images:Twins and Identity" by David Manly, it states that twins are eager to know who is the older one to show superiority over the other. Twins are siblings who have very strong bonds with them and its not their facial characteristic that make them bond but its their love for each other and being born together. They are mostly seen having different outfits and hairstyles because twins also want to be identified differently  and they don't want to be known because they are twins but they wanna be known as themselves.

According to David Manly, "Everyone is an individual even a twin". I agree to this statement  because everyone want to be known in their own league and work, they do not one to be very alike to someone. People do not want to share the things they love, including their  love life,occupation, and hobbies because for them this things makes them who they are.

Identical twins are people who share their appearance but they  have their own different characteristic, hobbies, smartness, beauty and strength in life, because even if they have the same faces they are individual people who has their own interest. They have strong bonds that can be felt even if they are far away because they were once together in life and they shared one placenta in their mothers stomach.

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