Monday 10 February 2014

Blogspot#1: Twins

What come up to your mind when you heard about "Twins" ? As Mr. Wiki said it is one of two children or animals born at the same birth or something containing or consisting of two matching or
corresponding parts, in particular. Well for me twins are the most beautiful thing what God create because for ever where you are theres a reflection of you even if you dont have any mirror or any glass.

I found an article "Identical Twins ' Genes are not Identical" by "Anne Casselman" it shows that for every fertilized egg which contain a two fetus is not exactly as a identical twins. And the people who have their own opinions on how they relay about the said topic. Their are also many questions that this particular article has. The discovery of the genetic variation, For the example a criminal who has a Identical twin you cannot said that the other one or the one has done a criminal if one is innocent and the other one is the real suspect of the said case.

According to Anne Casselman "We should call them one egg twins" The thought what she said is all about the wrong call of having two babies at the same time or what we called, According to her it is the wrong interpretation of saying it as this is one of our old-fashioned grammar she want to have a something new to heared.

It is not about the terms what we used to call it. We have a different choice to call them as "One egg twins" or "Twins" the important is we loved them and happy to share different thinf with them like what the qoute says "The more the merrier"

I also found an article "Similar but not identical: Study reveals more about twins than about education" by "Steve Connor" it says that the genes has a bigger role to our community it shows the different kind of twins which is the identical twins,share identical twins, and the non-identical twins they study it by different kinds and ways.It also discussed abou the Monozygotic and the Dizygotic that refers to on how the egg cell and the sperm cells forming.The chances of having a identical twins it is on the said article when the woman has carrying a baby after a war the explanation on how many chances that the mother has a possible to have a twins.

According to Steve Connor "Genes play bigger role in educational achievement than teachers,schools or home environment,and the reason we know this-apparently-is because we can compare the performance of thousands of pairs of twins" Steve Connor try to say is Genes has a bigger role to our lives and especially the role of twins which cannot bet by one self cause they are combine together or may be stick together as everybody says "Two is better than one".

Different beliefs of where it came from,different opinions,different arguments,different people with different answers. The study of twins is difficult many studies to solve.                                                                                                          

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