Monday 24 February 2014

Blogspot2: Psychology of a Twin

In my family, I’m the eldest and I have three more little siblings. When we go to mall sometimes I see twins. At times, there are questions bothered my mind whenever I saw family with a twins children or even twins playing at the playground. Why we have a twins? How they make it or what medicine they take to have a twins? Seeing twins in mall or in streets as you walk by is so adorable. There are same in shoes, hairstyle, dresses and shirts. So, I take my research to make an extra knowledge by reading articles about twins.

I read an article entitled “ Why are Identical Twins Different?" by Pamela Fierro. Identical twins is the one who are exactly look alike. They have sometimes same clothes, shoes and many same things. But even though they are identical twins they have many individual personalities, attitudes and manners.They don't have same sports and activities. The differences of the twin increases as they spend more time apart. As soon as they grow up they will get an individual life, they'll get married and have own life. Their parents know them differently, they try to have their twin an individual interests. One likes to sing and the one is like to dance. They stated that identical twins form with the same set of genes, but in human development is not just a genetic. When they are growing up, they ate instances that they will have different appearance, personalities, and interest. Even though they are twin, they do share similarities but they also have many differences. 

 According to Pamela Fierro "they may even seek to establish dissimilar qualities in order to establish individual identites." Being in twin is not always have the same in everything. People thought always and even I do that when twin is always same. Same in clothes, in hair, in dresses, in shoes and in everything. In fact, when little twin loves to have same with their twin but when they grow older they don't want it. Why? because they want to have an individual life away from their twin. They want an individual identities so that they can live even they aren't with their twin. Every twin in this world have an individual characteristic that's why we don't judge them as they are twin. 

 I found an article entitled "Twin speak" by Psychology Today staff. In this article, they interviewed five twins with their stories of being a twin. To summarize all they said, it just about that twin is have a individual identity. It's hard for a twin to separate for their twin sibling because they have closeness in their relationship. They stated also their problem and how their relationship make stronger with their problem.That no matter what happen or what a big trouble they have in their life, twin face it with holding hand to exceed those problems. Also, there is one stories that the twin is super close when they are little to teen then they'd separated because one is married already. It's hard but you need to face that all twin is not always will leave together.

According to the author of the article "In spite of having the same set of genes, these identical twins couldn't be more different, personality-wise" Being in twin is having a same face sometimes same shirt or dresses. Some people know that twin may have different personalities. They have a different genre of movie or books, crushes, friends, mannerism and anything. God gave them same shape of face and body but they have totally different with their manner, characteristics and personalities.

While I doing this research, my mind growing up with the knowledge I learned about the articles I red.  Now, all the questions blowing in my minds when I was a little boy is now answered. So I want if I get married soon, I want a twin baby. To be cute like me and my future wife.

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