Monday 24 February 2014

blogpost 3: Culture talks about Twin

        As two children are born to the same mother they are know as Twins, they have unique sense of identity. Sometimes they have common in attitudes, but others they are definitely different. There are lots of Myths in terms of twins- as partners, rivals, opposites, of halves of a whole are noted on different mysteries.

          I found an article entitled “Twins in WestAfrican Culture” by Saran Kaba. It says that twins can be viewed as both blessing of a curse depending on the culture, some say twins have divine powers. In some parts of Nigeria, when a twin passes away, they are buried like kings seated on a throne. Another way is parents will put 2 bells on the twins’ room so that, if someone walks in, the bells will ring and announce that the twin may cause charm or curse. And in some parts of the Ivory coast twins are also said to be able to stop the rain and are often called upon when there are manifestations or events and the weather turns endearment. In Guinea where are twin is getting married, the other also treated as a bride.

     According to Saran, “There is definitely a strong bond between twins.” It is right. Twins are really similar in terms on their style, fashion and likes. But others are also different, but we can’t deny that even though they are different, they have the same feelings and their concern to each other is really strong to brake.

      I found an article entitled  “Twins: TwoLines, One Personality” by Lawrence Wright. It says Neubauer believed at the time that twins posed such a burden to parents and to themselves in the form of certain development hazards, it also recognized that identical twins are rare, however those who has been separated and brought up in different families are particularly unusual. And with this, when they are separated only part of their childhoods were reunited and trace them through their childhood, each stage of their development are parallel or diverging courses of their special through conversations, which turn them into freaks but which also to be fair, some believes that they are largely the same, and became different because they are imposed upon their environment, and they conclude that people differ mainly because of their genes, and find their own making, are choosing right decisions.

      According to Lawrence, “Every culture has had to confront the twin phenomenon and come to its own response”. We know that every culture has their own studies about twins, some may refer it to mystical and traditional views. But its all the same that twins have the same feelings with their heart and mind. Even though we based it on different countries and beliefs.


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